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Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

Did you know that 50% of women experience painful menstrual cramps? Luckily, with natural treatments it is possible to decrease or resolve this discomfort. Things such as food and herbs as well as specific nutrients help women reduce pain during their periods.

Many period cramp relief treatments focus on hormonal approaches. However, if you are uncomfortable taking synthetic hormones, there are some alternatives. For example, maca root is a natural hormone balancer and has no side effects. Meditation can be another way to decrease period pain. There are also natural period cramp relief options that work by blocking the production of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are the hormones which can cause period cramps.

Why do menstrual cramps happen?

For some women, the monthly cycle is a very delicate thing. During this time of month, women experience cramps in their lower abdominal muscles and other places notoriously difficult for pain to be felt. However there are ways around it by using certain techniques like yoga which helps relieve tension on these areas through exercises intended specifically formulated with menstruation day-specific needs into account (some even include deep breathing).

Menstrual cramps cause women who experience them to have a lot of discomfort, and period pain relief is possible through natural treatment. This cramping happens because the uterus contracts in an effort to expel its lining, which causes this very painful spasm-like feeling. The muscles contract in around a dozen or so different ways. When you understand how the muscles contract, you can relieve your period pain more effectively.

Cramping during menstruation is a cycle that most women have experienced at some point in their lives and there is nothing to worry about if it was not very painful or uncomfortable. If the period cramps are severe enough that you would like pain relief, then continue reading to find natural treatments for this type of pain.

What are some natural remedies for menstrual cramps?

Some natural ways to lessen your period cramps include changing your diet, herbal medicines, and light exercises. These exercises can be yoga, meditation, Qi Gong, etc. 

Dietary changes can help you feel better

Diet changes help relieve period cramps naturally. Drinking hot water with lemon juice is a great way to ease the pain. If you are experiencing period cramps, eat fruits and vegetables.

A good way to make sure you're getting enough protein and healthy fats in your diet is by including animal or plant proteins at every meal. Try adding some avocado on top for more nutrients, as well as nuts/seeds that will keep hunger pangs away!

Inflammatory foods such as processed and junk foods, fried foods, etc. can cause inflammation in the body. This is because these items overload your system with omega 6 fatty acids which promote an immunosuppressive environment especially if you consume them on a regular basis!

A diet high in anti-inflammatory foods can help prevent and relieve your period pain. These include a wide variety of vegetables and fruit, culinary spices (especially turmeric), oily fish, nuts & seeds as well as olive oil or green tea with cacao for added benefits!

Period cramp relief can come with trying to stop certain period food cravings like processed foods, sugary foods, caffeine, chocolate, etc. All these foods can lead to period discomfort.

Herbal medicine, a natural way to help calm your pain

Women have used botanical medicine for centuries to support their hormonal health. Recently, we're starting to see more scientific studies on these amazing plant-based substances that nature provides us with. By having more studies we can understand better how herbal medicine can help women overcome menstrual pain without having to take hard medicines all the time.

The gentle compounds found within these plants makes them one of the best ways possible when looking into supporting proper reproductive function or PMS symptoms such as cramps 

Botanicals help strengthen all other female organs unlike other medicines which can actually diminish organ function.

Some period cramp relief herbs include:

  • Ginger has been used to treat menstrual cramps and overall discomfort for many years. Its active ingredient, gingerol, is an anti-inflammatory, so it helps period pain naturally.

  • Cinnamon is another pain relieving herb that helps with cramping during menstruation. It is a warming spice that also helps balance blood sugar, which can provide period cramp relief.

  • Licorice is a period pain reliever that helps reduce pain due to its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic (pain relief) properties.

  • Peppermint oil is a very popular element in cramping relief. It soothes digestive issues and muscle spasms to provide relief.

  • Fennel helps alleviate menstrual cramps since it is a relaxant.

Light exercises help reduce period cramps

Meditation and yoga among other light exercises can help reduce pain during your menstrual cycle. According to a recent study, both yoga and aerobic exercise were found to significantly reduce PMS symptoms.

Meditation also helps as a form of exercise with menstrual pain. Meditation allows the body to relax and focus on breathing.

Can Acupuncture Also Relieve My Cramps?

Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for women with menstrual cramps. Acupuncture can help in reducing the intensity of the pain as well as how long this pain lasts. Unlike painkillers that just treat symptoms after you have already started feeling pain, the aim of acupuncture is to lessen it. Your acupuncturist will help you reduce discomfort even in your future cycles, so long as you continue this type of treatment regularly.

It is a painless process based on ancient Chinese medicine. Acupuncture works by balancing the natural energy that flows through 12 pathways of the body. By inserting very thin needles into specific points along these pathways, healing can take place. We place the needles in locations that help alleviate period cramps.

For more information about how holistic treatments and acupuncture can help you reduce your menstrual pain, be sure to check us out at AcuMantras! You can follow us on our social media, or you can book a community acupuncture session with us! Do you have more questions? Feel free to call us at (954) 408-8224 for any questions you may have.

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