Acupuncture for Kids: What Parents Should Know

acupuncture for children

We have talked about the benefits of acupuncture for fertility, stress and more. But what about acupuncture for children? Believe it or not, we do get a handful of kids walk through our doors at AcuMantras. Are you a parent or guardian wondering if acupuncture could be beneficial for your child? Our question box is often filled with questions about acupuncture for kids. The AcuMantras team answered a few of the most common ones we receive. 

Is acupuncture for children?

Acupuncture is actually great for children. They are still developing and their bodies are learning to react to different stimulations and situations. From pain management to muscle strains in athletes, reducing anxiety and more, acupuncture is often turned to. Why? It is a less invasive method when compared to other treatments such as surgery or medication. Acupuncture needles are strategically placed to trigger natural responses in the body. These release chemicals and hormones that make you happy, relaxed and restore the flow of energy. Since they are easier to adapt, children often require shorter sessions than adults. We recommend 30 minutes at most. 

Can a child have acupuncture?

Yes! There has been a rise in those turning to acupuncture to treat a variety of conditions that children face. These include ADHD, seizures, insomnia, anxiety, skin and digestive conditions and allergies to name a few. Kids who play sports also frequently come in for acupuncture. Like with adults, it can help relax muscles, manage pain from strains and support flexibility. Acupuncture is all about restoring balance. In traditional Chinese medicine, it focuses on preventative care to avoid sickness before it happens. In the western approach, acupuncture is about hormones and chemicals, more science-based. This is why many turn to acupuncture to regulate the body’s responses. Those receiving chemotherapy also explore acupuncture, as well as those who experience frequent illnesses like colds and headaches. 

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How old do you have to be for acupuncture?

There really is no set age to begin acupuncture sessions. We have seen everyone from small babies to the community’s elders walk through our doors at AcuMantras. Some suggest waiting until a child is closer to age seven to begin needle-based acupuncture. Prior to that, there are other methods, which we will touch on in a bit. Every condition is different, so everyone responds in their own way. Many do choose to wait until they are older and have overcome a fear of needles. To us, acupuncture is a way to do just that. 

Acupuncture needles? Will the needles hurt?

We get this question a lot, and rightfully so! Let us explain more about these needles and their purpose. In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves inserting needles into the skin at varying points. These needles will impact that flow of energy in the body we mentioned, known as Qi. These are not the typical needles your doctor uses to draw blood. They are single use, small and thin. They do not draw fluid from the body. Most people do not even feel anything during their acupuncture sessions. 

My child is one of those with a fear of needles. Do you suggest acupuncture?

Yes! We see it all of the time. We quickly touched on it, but acupuncture needles are different. They are not the hypodermic needles that give you the flu shot or draw blood. These are very thin and small. We often come across patients nervous about being stuck. After, they always admit they had nothing to worry about. 

For those who really cannot handle the sign of needles, there are other methods. Shonishin is a type of acupuncture often practiced on children. Instead of needles, other tools, tapping and rubbing are used to stimulate those same responses. Cupping and herbal medicine are other techniques that can be used. There are acupuncturists who specialize in this practice.

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I’d like my child to overcome fear of needles. Any advice?

We often tell our patients not to think of acupuncture needles as needles. They are all too often associated with the fear that comes from previous doctor tests. During the consultation, we pull out some of these needles so they can experience them. Here we recommend parents and guardians have a positive reaction, even if they hate needles themselves. They get to hold one if they would like, and see how thin and flexible they truly are. Word of mouth also helps. Other veteran patients will often reassure newcomers that everything will be ok. We also suggest speaking to someone they know that might practice acupuncture already. Sometimes they just need a pep talk from a friend or family member.

I have heard that acupuncture is safe. Are you sure?

Absolutely! The most important thing is making sure you find a trusted acupuncturist. Make sure to find a certified, licensed team. Even better, find a practice that has experience working with children. They are more patient, and have some tricks up their sleeve for anxious newcomers. You want your child to feel comfortable. Is the practice clean? Are they using single use needles? Are the environment and staff warm and inviting? Many bring a blanket, pillow or their own music. Feel free to read a familiar book during the session. As always, ask all the questions you need to give you peace of mind.

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That was just the beginning of exploring acupuncture for kids, but there is much more to know. Interested in connecting with our AcuMantras team to discuss your child’s treatment? Call us today at (954) 408-8224. You can also connect with us on Instagram or Facebook and check out our website. Here you can find out more about our practice, schedule and services. Our South Florida practice is located in Plantation, Florida, perfectly situated to serve Broward, Palm Beach and Dade Counties. 

Before you go, check out some of our favorite links:

  • Others have questions just like you. See what they’re asking, here.

  • Interested in joining us for a class? Find out more about our programs

Check out some additional details on acupuncture for kids from John Hopkins All Children’s Hospital

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